5-AMINO-1MQ Capsules

"Non-Stimulant Fat Burner"
*This product is not intended for Australian consumers, since this has not been approved by the TGA* 5-amino-1MQ is a small molecule that blocks the activity of the enzyme called nicotinamide N-methyltransferase (NNMT). NNMT is a very important component in metabolism and energy and is predominantly active in fat tissue. By blocking NNMT, 5-amino-1MQ stimulates an increase in nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+), a cofactor that is central to cellular metabolism, thereby increasing metabolic rate and activating a gene called sirtuin-1 (SIRT1). SIRT1 is also known as the "longevity gene" because of its role in reducing the risk of diabetes, obesity, metabolic syndrome, atherosclerosis and other forms of cardiovascular disease, kidney disease, liver disease, neurodegeneration, and cancer.

5-amino-1MQ (5-amino-1methylquinolinium) an analogue of methylquinolinium, is a short peptide inhibitor of cytosolic nicotinamide N-methyltransferase (NNMT). The NNMT enzyme has been linked to both obesity and type 2 diabetes and is known to play a role in energy homeostasis within the cell. Inhibiting NNMT leads to significant weight loss, decreased fat mass and fat cell (adipocyte) size, and lower plasma cholesterol and glucose levels. It also appears that inhibition of NNMT can activate stem cells and improve regenerative capacity in skeletal muscle. *This product is not intended for Australian consumers, since this has not been approved by the TGA*

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This product is not approved by the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA). The information provided herein is not medical advice and should not be construed as such. This product is intended solely for use by individuals within the United States. Always consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new supplement regimen.
How to use


The net result of administering an NNMT blocker like 5-amino-1MQ is an increase in energy burning and a decrease in energy storage. When this is coupled with the fact that decreased NNMT levels also increases GLUT4 transporter expression, you have a recipe for improve glucose clearance from the blood and then direct disposition of that glucose when it is burned. The results are decreased need for insulin, decreased insulin resistance, decreased fat production, and increased energy metabolism. Studies in mice over just 10 days of 5-amino-1MQ administration reveal a 7% reduction in rate and a 30% reduction in fat mass. In addition, blood cholesterol levels in treated mice are equal to those of non-obese mice. Remarkably, these changes occur without any alteration in food consumption [5]. Mice given 5-amino-1MQ show a 7% reduction in body mass over just 10 days, without any changes in food intake, compared to controls:

Fat Loss

  • The net result of administering an NNMT blocker like 5-amino-1MQ is an increase in energy burning and a decrease in energy storage. When this is coupled with the fact that decreased NNMT levels also increases GLUT4 transporter expression, you have a recipe for improve glucose clearance from the blood and then direct disposition of that glucose when it is burned. The results are decreased need for insulin, decreased insulin resistance, decreased fat production, and increased energy metabolism. Studies in mice over just 10 days of 5-amino-1MQ administration reveal a 7% reduction in rate and a 30% reduction in fat mass. In addition, blood cholesterol levels in treated mice are equal to those of non-obese mice. Remarkably, these changes occur without any alteration in food consumption. Mice given 5-amino-1MQ show a 7% reduction in body mass over just 10 days, without any changes in food intake, compared to controls (1).
  • Human metabolism, and indeed all animal metabolism is highly efficient, making the most use out of a limited number of calories. Unfortunately, this very efficiency may be the mechanism underlying our penchants for obesity in the setting of excess calorie intake. Reducing the efficiency of human metabolism, causing the body to essentially waste calories, has long been a holy grail of medicine as it works to combat the growing obesity epidemic. NNMT and its interactions with GLUT4 may be the link that scientists have been searching for (2).


  • There is significant research to suggest that NNMT expression is increased in gastric cancers of all types as well as pancreatic cancer, renal cell carcinoma, and bladder cancer. Mice without the NNMT gene so resistance to the development of these cancers, suggesting a causal role for NNMT. Though the research is still in progress, there is some speculation that inhibition NNMT may be a way to both treat and prevent certain types of cancer or, at the very least, reduce how aggressive certain cancer are. It remains to be seen whether 5-amino-1MQ, by reducing NNMT function, will have any effect on the various cancers mentioned (3).

Muscle Growth

  • Research in 24-month-old mice (old for mice) reveals that those treated with an NNMT inhibitor experience substantial stem cell activation in muscle tissue, following injury, compared to controls. These mice exhibit myofibers that are 2-fold larger in cross section and have greater contractile strength. In fact, mice treated with NNMT inhibitors have 70% more contractile force in healed muscle than control mice [7]. The benefits of boosting muscle stem cell production go well beyond simply accelerating rates of repair following injury. Stimulating stem cells could help elderly people maintain their independence for much longer. By improving mobility and reducing the risk of things like falls, NNMT inhibitors could substantially improve quality of life and levels of independent living among older adults (4).

How to use

5-AMINO-1MQ Capsules


50mg-100mg daily.



Need to find the right dose for you? Consider coaching.

Dosing strategy:

Best used in cycles of 8 weeks on, one week off.

Ideal for:

Fat loss, Athletic performance, muscle growth.


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5-amino-1MQ is a small, membrane permeable analogue of naturally occurring methylquinolinium. It has been shown, in animal models to inhibit expression of the enzyme nicotinamide N-methyltransferase. NNMT is an important component of cellular energy metabolism.


5-AMINO-1MQ is a NOVEL fat burning, anti aging compound that holds potential to help condition one's physique.

Lucas, BYB founder